Friday, November 28, 2008

Western Traditions Realty Inc., My New Home!

I have moved . . .
My apologies, everyone, for my Blog not being more often of late, but there has been quite a bit going on this year as you all know. After months of preparation, I am pleased to announce that I have moved my real estate business to Western Traditions Realty Inc.

It is both a challenging and exciting endeavor, and those are two good reasons to do it. I also want to make significant improvements in how I practice real estate and more broadly apply my experience, and the best way for me to do it is to focus on my new future with Western Traditions Realty Inc., and my New Designated Broker, Sam Farris.

I’ll continue to work as hard as ever for my clients and I value your referrals and will care for them as I have treated each and everyone of you…. With the utmost respect and protect you to the best of my ability, every step of the way.

Western Traditions Realty Inc., is Committed to excellent representation. We are committed to our clients and work hard to achieve results for them. Because the real estate industry is becoming more sophisticated and challenging every day, you need a professional brokerage that understands the industry and is positioned to stay ahead of the game. We can do just that for you. We use innovative advertising and marketing techniques to attract potential buyers to the properties we list. And we work hard to identify both buyers & sellers needs.

At Western Traditions Realty, Inc., we pride ourselves on being experts in bringing home buyers and sellers together throughout the Phoenix Metropolitan area. And, with a seasoned staff of brokers, agents and support staff, we believe no one knows the area better!

I look forward to helping you and yours for many years to come with all your REALESTATE NEEDS, please call today if I can assist you or feel free to pass this newsletter along to someone you think could use my service.

Wow - What a Financial & Emotional Roller Coaster Ride This Year Has Been!

What can we say about this year which will soon come to a close - but good riddins! I have seen long time friends, associates & clients loose their homes, their savings and all but give up due to the state of our financial world and yet still we all get up day after day and put on foot after another forward; ready to take on tomorrow.

I for one have two jobs myself, working one from 12 midnight to 9 am to try and squeak by along with still devoting my regular business hours to my real estate - and my valued clients... each day I say to "self", "self - this - too - will - pass", sometimes its easier to argue with self, but the alternative is not too promising.

There is a great new looking 1% down program - yup got a few hoops to hop through, but seems to be quite interesting if you fit into the box; contact me if you'd like more information on it; visit and I will post information there about it, look under Down Payment Ast.